Monday, December 08, 2008

My Son, the Investigative Journalist

Jak-El is home sick from school today. He's been sick since last Thursday, and is starting to feel better, but I kept him home today since he really hasn't been eating yet and I'm hoping to get him to eat today so he'll have energy tomorrow.


I have to get work done today. I told him if he let me get some things edited, we could do some fun stuff later, like play games, put up some Christmas decorations, do some art projects etc. This is his interpretation of leaving me alone for an hour to work. All are direct quotes from the boy genius, from the last hour:

What is wax?

Did you have to do homework when you were a kid?

Was it boring?

What's a household?

How do you play a bass?

Can you tell me a joke?

Is that funny?

Do I look like I'm flying?

What are we going to do today?

And after that?

And after that?

And after that?

Do rats live in televisions?

Do you want to eat chips and salsa?

When do you want to play a card game?

Can I take all the pillows off the couch for my flying thing?

Where am I?

Am I drowning?

Have you ever seen a reptile?

Have I ever seen a reptile?

What does this say?

What do I look like?

Do robots have auto-pilot?

Is the future real?

Is today the future?

Will everything be different tomorrow?

Why did you go to the grocery store?

Why did I have to stay here?

Can I have milk?

What kind of mac & cheese did you get?

Can you move the mouse on your computer because the safety bed is squishing me?

Does this make me look fat?


At 11:31 AM, Blogger Cake said...

You're really lucky that I'm actually too busy* to answer each and every one of those points.

Please tell him Canada would like a picture of him flying...possibly with a reptile. Thank you in advance!

*I'm never too busy to actually take a spin through the blogs, though. For the record.

At 11:31 AM, Blogger Cake said...

I hope he feels better, though...and I hope you dodged the bug!

At 5:04 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Cake: Whatdaya mean you're not going to answer all of those questions? Sheesh.

Jak-El is feeling better and going to school today. Dan-El, of course, is now running a temp and has to stay home, because that's just how we roll. And the husband and I have both been fighting off some bug for a week or so, but have to power through.


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