Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. Easter was weeks ago, but I never got around to posting these. The kids and I made Easter cookies. Here's the proof.
First, we rolled out the sugar cookie dough. Remember, never, ever beat your child with a wooden rolling pin. A marble rolling pin is much more effective.
Next, we cut out shapes. It should be noted here that my slacker of a son Jak-El got bored with this step two minutes into the process and left to go watch "SpongeBob," reappearing later when it was time to...
...decorate the cookies. Sugar! Sugar! Sugar! We need more sugar!
Decorated and ready to bake!
I've got a theory,
It could be cookies...
Hello, world, here's a song that we're singin',
c'mon get happy!
We also made some Chow Mein Chewie bird nests (with M&M eggs), recipe courtesy of Miss Sparkle.
While Dan-El did not help with the decorating (he napped through that), he did help add ingredients to the mixer for the sugar cookies, and assisted in the all important taste testing.Tomorrow, if you're good, I'll post some up to date Christmas photos from 2005. Or not.
1) Coolest mom ever. Exhibit A: Delicious cookies. Exhibit B: Dropkick Murphys shirt.
2) Steel rolling pin might also work. Was given one as a gift but gave it away. Am too attached to grandmother's wooden rolling pin with defective handles that spin whilst I roll, inspiring cursing.
3) MORE SUGAR! For the love o' god, MORE SUGAR!
4) Lordy! Hope you guys liked the chow mein chewies. The CMC birdie nests are adorable.
5) We're good! We're all glistening with goodness and piety! Okay, maybe part of that's sweat--little warm outside today--but it is good sweat.
6) Hope you and the boys are feeling better!
Hiya Sparkle!
Aside from sinus headaches (me) and the tail end of conjunctivitis (Dan-El), we're good, thanks fer asking.
Now, I'm off to order a pizza for dinner. With sugar.
Okay. Maybe I'll get the sugar on the side.
Your pal,
I don't remember getting any Easter cookies from you.
Dear IANO:
::wipes cookie sugar off face::
Whoops, I guess Lois didn't tell you...
Love and crumbs,
Coolest mom ever! Hands down, no contest.
::awards prize::
(So that's Lois Lane? Looks more like Lana Lang to me.)
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