Monday, July 16, 2007

Today'sh Postht

I wash going to shtart postshting the vacation diariesh today, but thish morning I went to the dentisht. My mouth, brain and half my nosesh are shtill numb. So instead, pleashe enjoy thish video of a monkey taunting baby tigers.


At 10:29 AM, Blogger Cake said...

Okay, that's pretty damn cute!

At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of a sudden, Bucky Kat's preoccupation with eating monkeys becomes a lot clearer.

-- Lamont "Having Wisdom Teeth Pulled Makes You Stupider" Cranston

At 2:57 PM, Blogger Cake said...

Ah, yes, but never having any wisdom teeth to start with means you're more highly evolved.


At 7:26 AM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...

Did you film that video in the jungles of Wyoming?


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