Friday, July 18, 2008


So even though it's a little too hot out today for my liking (I'm a spring/fall kinda gal, honestly), and I'm tired (the youngest spawn has been getting up too early most days since switching to a big boy bed), and my left knee has mysteriously started aching again (Arthritis? Gout? Old Age? Who knows….I just hope it isn't the Special Constables)…I've decided that it is a good week to be a geek girl. Why?

1. "The Dark Knight" opens today and looks incredible. Probably won't get to see it this weekend but will wrangle the grandparents into taking the kiddos for a few hours next weekend so the husband and I can go. (Oh, and if you're into the funny books, there's a way cool new miniseries out called "The Joker's Asylum" that doesn't tie into the movie, but is nice companion piece.)

2. Speaking of funny books, Comic Con is next week in San Diego. Nah, we're not going—the kids are too little to be let loose in that kind of insanity yet—but its always good to know it exists. Any of you lot going? If you are, and you might be able to pick up a few things for me (one exclusive and a few freebies I'm interested in), let me know. There's homemade baked goods in it for you.

3. The three-part season finale of "Doctor Who" starts airing here in the U.S. tonight. (Please, no spoilers if you live in a civilized nation that has already aired it.) I'm a little bummed that the season is wrapping up, since it means we won't have any new "Who" until Christmas and then only a few specials until 2010, but I've been going out of my mind waiting to see these episodes. The only thing that has kept me sane this week has been the waaay cool "Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog." If you haven't watched it yet, seriously, scroll down to the post below this and go do so now. The first two acts are up, and the third goes live tomorrow, and the free streaming ends on Sunday.

4. I'm in the process of cleaning up my very cluttered home office, throwing out a lot of stuff I don't need (the manual to my office chair? Thanks, but I think I've got it figured out) and finding a lot of cool stuff I'd forgot that I had, like a stack of those oversized treasury editions DC And Marvel used to publish in the 1970s.

Anything getting your geek on?


At 9:59 AM, Blogger Sparkle Plenty said...

Happy Friday, Lois Lane! It's sticky and muggy, dadgum it. Blecch.

Dr. Who always gets my geek on, and while nothing in particular else is doing so at the moment your post made me think of stuff that USED to get my geek on and I just posted about that. So, thanks for writin' my post for me today pretty much--the infrastructure is in the mail!

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Redbeard76 said...

No Doctor until 2010? I can't hear you, LALALALALALALA...

I just checked out Act 1 this morning, bloody brilliant, poor Dr. Horrible, foiled again by Capt. Hammer... although I don't get the big deal, the girl really wasn't all that pretty. She should be replaced by none other than Lois Lane. I will quickly scramble to view Acts 2 & 3 before Sunday!

Have a sweat-free weekend! (if that's at all possible!)

And where's the friday video at? Hmph. ;-)

At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get my geek on by being absolutely obsessed with politics. Specifically members of the House and Senate. Specifically how they screw up, or stick their feet in their mouths.

It's a never-ending fascination, and it has a never-ending source of material.

I also like to bite the heads off live chickens. Or is that not what you meant?

-- Lamont "How Do YOU Define Geek?" Cranston

At 11:02 AM, Blogger Redbeard76 said...

I know what you mean Lamont... I mean, McCain going to the NAACP? McCain apologising to Rev. Sharpton last year? I can't wait to see how he inserts his foot into mouth tomorrow. Sideways.

At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


McCain ain't 1/100th of it. I was following Jim Traficant for YEARS before he got convicted. Helen Chenoweth? My kinda gal -- except I wouldn't touch her with a 10-foot poll. Tom Tancredo? Was an old friend long before "Bowling for Columbine" came out.

Look 'em all up (go last to first -- Tancredo, Chenoweth, Traficant). Wikipedia is kinda staid -- look for a site that talks about controversies.


These people, and their ilk, make our laws.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

-- Lamont "Veto Proof" Cranston

At 2:29 PM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...

What's a Geek Thong?

And would you really want to know if I have one on?

At 7:36 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

::bangs head on side of blog::

Just watched "Turn Left," this week's episode of "Doctor Who." I need the next episode NOW. I can't wait another week to see the next part of this story. Now. Now. NOW!

::resumes banging head on side of blog, pauses to read NoOprah's comment::

Uh-uh. No, no, no.

::resumes head banging until unconscious::

At 5:00 AM, Blogger Redbeard76 said...

Have you seen act 3 yet?

"We do the weird stuff!"

"4 sweater vests..."

At 5:18 AM, Blogger Redbeard76 said...


Our esteemed 3 minimum reps from Vermont all have interesting personalities, especially Bernie Sanders, whom I used to think was a kook, but now I think he's a good kook in the nicest way possible.

Specter, on the other hand, PA-R, is quite the anomaly. Clearly a RINO, Specter the defecter has a long history of upsetting his constituents.

When I was a NY resident, it was interesting to see Alphonse "Senator Pothole" D'Amato in action.

-- Red "Filibuster" Beard

At 7:27 AM, Blogger Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

Doctor Who.

I am waiting. DVRing them. I am slowly going through the season now. Slowly. by the time I get to the end, they will all be recorded.

Getting the Geek On?

Taking the wee ones to see Hellboy at the Drive In. Having conversations with the boys, who grew out of Harry Potter, about the Books of Magic being so much better. Watching indie movies. With Alan Rickman.Wishing I was sitting here with David Tennent. Though Alan is not bad.

At 10:38 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Just watched act 3! Hated it, but loved it, if you know what I mean. This is Joss Whedon, so I should have expected it, but arragh!

You're introducing the kids to Books of Magic? Good girl! The original miniseries is sooo good, as are the early issues of the reg series.

At 5:40 PM, Blogger Cake said...

I don't know what happened but I'd swear I went around the blogs yesterday and yet somehow never saw this post or Sparkle's last post till late this afternoon...I'm maybe getting senile in my old age or something.

Or I didn't actually go around the blogs. Ahem. *cough*

- I used to be just a fall gal...but over the last few years, I've been finding cold weather harder and harder. I don't like humidity but the warmth...I do like the warmth. It's weird.

- I'll probably see Dark Knight eventually but I find the whole Heath Ledger thing so sad...I just dunno.

- I'm not going to ComicCon or I'd absolutely get you stuff. I probably know people who are going but I'm guessing it would get way too complex if I tried to relay lists between you and them...I can check around, though, if you get really stuck.

- I'm so far behind on Doctor Who that my geek cred is in danger...let's not talk about that. *looks around nervously*

- I also can't seem to get the Dr. Horrible stuff to run no matter when I just keeps hanging up. Wah!

- I'm online at 8:35pm on a Saturday night...I'm guessing the internet is getting my geek on right now. And I was online for some of the afternoon, too. *bangs head on computer*

This is a really long comment and says almost nothing...should I bother posting it? Ah, why not, eh?

Hope you're having a nice weekend!

At 8:41 PM, Blogger Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

I had originally bought the first 8 of the books of magic, back in the day when they come out. When middle child got into fairies, I decided to get the rest, all the series. But middle child decide she didn't want to bother reading them.

After I finished reading them, the boys, bored with summer, and my sanctions on Internet and games they looked eagerly at my stack of comics. I had actually tried to get them to read them right after I did. Than I told them they couldn't because of all the sexual content in them. They were 20 into them before I realize they had started.

They love Constantine. And they have discovered a few other vertigo titles I had from before they were born.

At 2:36 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Ishat: Not sure how old your kids are...but have you seen the Vertigo book "Fables"? Really good stuff.

At 4:06 PM, Blogger Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

No I haven't seen Fables.

What's it about?

They are 15 to 4.

At 7:24 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

The 15 year old might like it...basically, its the story of how many of the fairy tale characters were exiled out of their homeland ...the human looking ones live in a area of New York called "Fabletown." while the more "antromorphic" ones (Three Little Pigs, etc), live in upstate NY on "The Farm." Lots of intrigue, very modern setting, lots of fun.

For the little ones, if they're at all into superheroes, BTW, DC is putting out some very fun books for little kids under the "Johnny DC" brand like Tiny Titans, Super Friends (this one is based on a toy line but its actually not badly written) and Billy Batson: The Power of Shazam. My boys love em'

At 8:55 AM, Blogger Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

The wee ones are girls and not too much into super heroes. Nearer am I. We have though seen Iron man and not Dark Knight at the drive in. Boys wanted it more than anything. They all liked Iron man. I didn't.

Dark knight was creepy. I had read Dark Knight and the Joker back in the day. It was more creepy because it was Heath's last role, and the role that supposedly stressed him to the point of accidentally killing him.

I saw Hellboy too. I have found that almost no movie is going to appeal to all the wee ones. Drive Ins are great for that. I tell who ever hates the idea of the first feature that we will see the second for them.

At 9:55 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

The girls might like Tiny Titans....very cute, lots of girl characters and not "traditional" superheroics. It's very much geared towards little kids and they don't fight crime...they worry about things like getting turns on the swings or bringing their pets to school ("Sidekick Elementary") for show and tell.

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

The little ones actually liked Hellboy. I was surprised. I really wish Gaiman would just write his own damn script for Sandman. They loved Wolves in the Wall.

They are watching Courage the Cowardly dog right now.

But I will have to check out those titles next time we go to the geek store. Or the evil eBay. Snicker Snicker.

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

There's a stage adaptation of Wolves in the Walls that I'd really like to see--it was staged in NY last fall but timing wasn't right for me to take Jak-El down to see it.

Gaiman has written a script for the first "Death" miniseries...I can't imagine boiling down the epic that is Sandman into a movie...maybe an HBO series? :-)

Am dying to see Hellboy and Dark Knight.

At 10:03 PM, Blogger Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

Hellboy and Dark Knight would be a fun double feature.

I didn't realize about the Wolves in the Wall. That must of been cool. That should be made into a cartoon.

Cool made a script for death.

He could do Sandman as a series of movies. But it is hard to get that many people to go. Examples: Constantine and Lemony Snicket. I loved Lemony and Constantine wasn't that bad. I would much rather a blond Brit and set in London. And from the movie he looks more like a magical batman.

HBO miniseries would be cool, but Showtime would probably spend the money. HBO seems to cut their budgets to no more historical/fantasy series. Honestly the only show I watch from them now is Big Love.

O.k. the BBC and Showtime get together give Neil full creative control and we all have fun. It's a done deal. Now where is Niel and the head of programming for Showtime?

Ishat looks under rocks, dog house, cat's butt, snails in the garden and the leaves of the squash.

Do you see them? Damn, tricky people. We go through all this trouble to make it work and they are nowhere in site.

At 6:59 AM, Blogger bacon ace said...

I have to skip Comic-Con this year but I have some friends going. E-mail me the details of what you're looking for and I'll see what I can do. baconygood at

I saw The Dark Knight on Friday with Asian Cowgirl and we both loved it. It was way better than Batman Begins, and I liked Batman Begins.

Ishat's Fire,
Yes, get Fables. It's one of the best books written currently and appropriate for a 15 year old. I think you'll both like it.

As far as my geekiness? In the last 9 months Asian Cowgirl has started reading comics. Not a lot, just select things here and there I've been giving her like Watchmen, an preacher. She absolutely loved both. Now that we saw DK and talked about the story arcs, and TPBs that they borrowed from I gave her what I felt they took the movie from; batman Year One, The Long Halloween, The Killing Joke, and The Dark Knight Returns. She's read Year One so far and liked it. I'm psyched to have a girlfriend that's not only open to trying comics, but is genuinely enjoying them. She'll even go to NoOprah's store with me and poke around while I'm shopping.


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