Blogger is being uncooperative about letting me upload pics this morning, but managed to get these online before it got cranky.
Jak-El graduated from preschool on Friday. We're very, very proud. I managed to hold off on crying until they got to the photo montage of babypictures of all the kids. Then, I teared up. I also teared up the next day when we watched it again on video, which proves, as my husband says, that I'm mental.
Here's the graduation cake. When he was a baby, we did a photo cake for Jak-El's baptism. It looked good, until it fell over and part of the frosted Jak-El's hand slid off. And, it was very disturbing to have to cut up my first born's head and serve it with ice cream. I'll never get a photo cake ever again. This does look cute though. Jak-El is front and center, in the blue shirt.
Your post has shades of the "Don't Come Around Here No More" video from Tom Petty.
Trust getting misty didn't interfere with your enjoyment of the cake (that's "the cake" not "The Cake", mind you)?
What flavor ice cream goes best with your eldest son's head? And would it be different for Dan-El?
Were my head to be served with ice cream, I would want it to be something really rich and wonderful and caffeinated -- Jamoca Almond Fudge, or something like that.
-- Lamont "Ben, But Not Jerry" Cranston
Jak-El = Strawberry
Dan-El = Rocky Road
"Then, I teared up. I also teared up the next day when we watched it again on video, which proves, as my husband says, that I'm mental."
--NUH-UH! What else would a person do?
"It looked good, until it fell over and part of the frosted Jak-El's hand slid off. And, it was very disturbing to have to cut up my first born's head and serve it with ice cream."
--OOH! The laughter. It hurts.
I can't think of one damn photo of me that would look good on a photo cake. There'd be a cake with a hand held up over my face. Maybe whipped cream over the whole top to hide the photo.
Hi Sparkle!
Seriously, the husband is right. I'm mental. He has overwhelming anecdotal evidence from our 23 years together. I think he has it archived in a silo somewhere, to faciliate my future institutionalization.
Personally I can't wait. I could use the rest.
Big step in the wee one's life.
Funny about the cake.
I never did photo cakes and I think now I never will. Something oddly canablistic about eating your child's face.
If I put a photo of myself on a cake (Cake on a cake), you just know it would be half of my face or a severely cropped picture of my eyes or something bizarre like that.
Maybe I don't really exist...huh.
I could go for some ice cream, though.
I'm having a random day. Please send help.
Hi Ishat!
Canabalistic, indeed. Don't think I would wanna indulge in the little tykes. I'm fairly sure my kids aren't filled with butter cream. In fact, I'm positive. If that were true, diaper changes would be a lot more pleasant.
Hi Cake!
If you don't exist, then why am I typing this reply? Does that mean I don't exist? If I don't exist, the thing I'm editing then doesn't exist. Which wouldn't be a bad thing...
Howdy, Lois!
Well, I guess ya can't argue with 23 years of anecdotal evidence. I thought it was just whimsical conjecture!
A pox on the document you're editing. (Actually, it is probably pox-riddled and you're trying to remove the pox.)
Congratulations to The Graduate!
23 years together? What, did you two meet when you were both in kindergarten?
Hiya David!
We're actually twins who dated in the womb. It's amazing our kids aren't more 'tarded.
Or, we started dating right after my freshman year of college. You pick.
[doing mental calculations] Hmm... approximate age when starting college, plus 23... ? I've met Lois... Nope, gotta be the "womb" thing.
By the way, I've been really tied up with my own project this month, but every two or three days I play catch-up so I can read everybody's blogs, and the comments on them, as well. (I haven't actually commented too much lately. I guess I'm kinda burnt out.) I should mention that you've really been outdoing yourself lately with some of the clever cracks you've left for others!
David: Aw shucks. Thank you kindly.
BTW, haven't commented on your blog lately, because I'm not quite caught up...and am reading entries a bit out of order, which is not the best way to approach your current --and interesting--narrative.
Lois! You're reading them out of order? You silly thing, you.
Here's what you must do: Take time off from work, have Clark (or do you call him Kal-el at home?) watch the kids, and lock yourself in a room. Read all the chapters in order until you've caught up.
You are allowed to interrupt your reading for the following:
1. Sleep
2. Private time with Clark
3. Food
4. Dr. Who
5. Infrastructure replenishment errands
Sorry. But it's the only way. Someday you'll thank me.
(BTW, it is really nice to know that you've been reading it. Certain regular commenters of mine have fallen silent over the past month, and I've wondered if they've deserted David'Z RantZ because I'm not doing the usual goofy crap.)
Twins that meet in the womb.
Egad you are not from the 18th dynasty of Egypt are you?
Butter cream diapers. HEE HEE. Wouldn't it be great if it was a nice citrus scent. Ah, but than everyone would have one. Just to make the house have that citrus fresh scent around.
I did have a barbie cake when I was little, you know where the cake is the dress. I had thought about getting one of those for the girls off and on. I bet that was the inspiration for the video 'Don't Come Around Here No more'.
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