Monday, July 07, 2008

Because All The Cool Kids Are Doing It...

Here's what's in my refrigerator today!

Forgive the poor picture angle...when we were putting in the fridge, we stupidly didn't think that it should be properly be positioned for the best photo vantage point. Our bad! And the fuzzy photo quality is due to the fact this was shot with my cell phone camera, because I'm lazy.

You'll see several bottles of Diet Coke on the top shelf, as well as lots of assorted containers of milk. Every house we visited over the weekend had graciously purchased milk to have on hand for our boys--and then sent it home with us because they didn't want to keep it. So who's got milk? We've got milk!

There's also a couple of bottles of wine there, because you need something to chase down all that milk.

On the next shelf, the plastic bag on the far left holds a package of scallops for tonight's supper. This level is also home to a few containers of salsa, some grapes, cottage cheese, mayo and some yogurt. The kiddos love yogurt.

Below that, you'll see more yogurt and berries. I think all that's in the meat drawer is some hotdogs. And the fruit and veggie bins contain a few ears of corn, some carrot sticks, some apples and cherries and lord only knows what else. HItler's head could be in there. This is a good reminder that I need to clean out my fridge.

The door shelves hold eggs, a bunch of condiments, some yummy Hebert's chocolate and various juices and soda pops.

This concludes today's tour of Lois Lane's refrigerator. Happy motoring!


At 8:26 AM, Blogger Jayne said...

I prefer your fridge innards to my fridge innards.

To sum up: I want to eat your innards.

Happy Monday!! (unless you are my son who has been sent to bed because of badness).

At 8:35 AM, Blogger Cake said...

1) Mmm, innards.
2) I'm not your son!
3) I see this fridge thing is most definitely contagious...must go grocery shopping on the way home...

(Happy Monday!)

At 9:13 AM, Blogger Sparkle Plenty said...

Most awesome. Ooh. Scallops sound good! You just reminded me that my butter compartment is full of chocolate and not butter--the dark kind with the almonds and blueberries. It actually lasts a long time because I forget it is there.

Thanks for postin' the photo! Yesterday, I almost started a blog because I realized I would LOVE to see what's in people's fridges. I wanted to make it so other people could upload pictures, but I couldn't figure out how to do that.

Cake: Empty fridges count, too!
Jayne: I'm off to see your fridge. (Sorry to hear the boy was bad. At least he will stay in bed. Lily keeps popping up and wagging her tail and grinning. Doesn't work.)

At 10:03 AM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...

Dear Lois,

Are you trying to one-up Cake's future coin-rolling blog?

Are you daring me to write about the time I counted all the grains of sand in the world?


Cuz I will if I have to...

At 4:39 PM, Blogger pork luck said...

so, i've been on this strange tour of fridge innards...

At 11:12 PM, Blogger Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

Yogart, the kids best friend. I just bought some myself.

At 11:31 PM, Blogger The Silver Fox said...

Scallops. I love scallops...

[sulks, Cake-like, because he wasn't invited]

[steals some milk do he can line his stomach in preparation for wine-drinking, runs off, cheerful again!]


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