Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Brushes With Greatness, Vol. I

All true, all the time! Except when it isn’t!

1. My grandmother was best friends with Survivor winner Richard Hatch’s grandmother.

2. My great aunt and uncle were close pals with “Our Town” author Thornton Wilder.

3. My second cousin’s son’s father’s stepfather is the guy who played Huggy Bear on “Starsky & Hutch.” (No, not Snoop Dogg. The dude from the original TV series.)

4. My husband and I once rode the Snow White ride at Disney World with novelist/comic book writer Peter David and his daughter Ariel.

5. I’ve been hugged by Herschell Gordon Lewis, the director of “Gore Gore Girls” and “Blood Feast.”

Final thought for the day: On second thought, who *hasn’t* been hugged by Herschell Gordon Lewis?

Happy Tuesday.


At 3:35 PM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...

I am SOOOO gonna one up you!

1. I used to own the stand-in MR ED horse.

2. I rode an elevator with Liza Minelli at the Sheraton castle

3. Watched Shakes The Clown with Bobcat Goldwaite

4. Tried and failed to ride an elevator with Tom Brokaw at 30 Rock...got booted by security.

5. Chatted with Bill Wyman (Rolling Stone) in lobby of the Four Seasons.

6. Went to a school play with Brandon Cruz in the late 1960's.

7. Mom catered a party for Jack Benny and he gave a her a sport coat for me to wear.

8. Almost, I repeat almost threw up on Neil Gaiman on a rolller coaster at Six Flags Atlanta.

9. Sold R. Crumb comics to Peter Wolf of J. Geils.

10. Got elbowed in the ribs by Stan Lee's 'wrangler' because I was goofing on him and he didn't know it.

11. Got yelled at by MR. T because he told me to wait to take a picture of him and I took it anyhow.

12. Went to school with Hall of Fame pitcher Don Drysdale's daughter Kelly. She was hot...for a second grader.

13. Sat with Barry...or was it Elliot? at a Stones concert.

14. Once saw Charlie Manson at the Spahn Ranch before he went to jail. I think.

At 3:52 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Oh, show off!

LOL. I have others which I'm saving for another day, including the individuals in #'s 8 and 9 on your list.

Anyone else care to share?

At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. I once asked Jimmy Carter if he ever wanted to take a swing at Sam Donaldson.

2. I think I pushed Margaret Cho out of the way recently because she was between me and a Men's room. She's lost a lot of weight, and I didn't realize it was her until she was on stage.

3. Al Goldstein, the former publisher of Screw magazine, asked me if I wanted to meet up with him, Joey Buttafuoco and Dennis the Pimp when they were going to be in Amsterdam. (I was in Brussels covering a conference.) To this day, I regret not taking an extra few days and hooking up with them.

4. At a young and tender age (8?), someone at a Christmas party who knew I was a Mad magazine fan handed me Al Jaffe's card. I promised to call him the next day. Of course, the person who handed me Al Jaffe's card was Al Jaffe.

5. I have been asked for a telephone number by directory assistance, and been sent flowers by a major flower marketer. I have not -- yet -- sent flowers to Jim McCann, the CEO of 1-800-Flowers.com, but if I ever do I'm going to use FTD.

-- Lamont Cranston

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Cake said...

I have the eerie talent of being able to miss meeting celebrities by 5 minutes or less. Seriously.


1. I know someone who once owned the stand-in for Mr. Ed.
2. I sometimes post on the blog of someone who rode the Snow White ride at Disney World with Peter David and his daughter Ariel.
3. I read a comment on a blog about someone who once maybe touched Margaret Cho.
4. I've met George Harrison's sister. She's very sweet.
5. I once went for a drink with my favorite author. Name omitted to protect the innocent.
6. Bruce Boxleitner was in a movie with a friend of mine. He was nice.

At 7:14 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

You got flowers from Jim McCann too???

*Sob* I thought he and I had something special.

At 8:10 AM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...

I also once stood on stage with Aerosmith for their entire concert without getting booted out.

And I hang out with Hoagy.

At 8:47 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...


THE Hoagy????

Okay, *now* you've one upped me.

At 9:37 AM, Blogger Cake said...

I just don't buy it. I think Hoagy's just a made-up imaginary friend. Like Snuffleupagus.

And you just can't brag about hanging out with Snuffleupagus, now can you.

At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got you all topped! I once re-soled the shoes of the man who sold a die-cast helicopter bank to the woman who spat nails into 4 by 4's for the dude who built an outhouse for the accountant who did tax returns for Jaime Farr's nephew's personal clown (yes, Nupy the Nuprin Addicted Clown). Ha! So there! - Hedgehog

At 8:16 AM, Blogger Charles Foster Kane said...

Let's see...

1. I went through a subway turnstile behind Pete Seeger carrying his guitar case.

2. I saw Chevy Chase hailing a cab. (The good, Gerald-Ford-'70s Chevy, not the "Cops and Robbersons" Chevy.)

3. I lived on the same Long Island block as the agent for Eddie Bracken, a/k/a Roy Walley of WalleyWorld in "Vacation".

4. I waited on Oprah Winfrey in a bookstore. (Well, actually, I waited on Stillman who was carrying her dog.)

5. I met Ray Davies of the Kinks and Carl Reiner in the same bookstore. Separately, unfortunately. Carl saw a homeless guy come in to the coffee area, sit down and start eating sugar packets. He said, "Oh good, Jack Kerouac's here." Him, I like.

6. Saw John Malkovich waiting for his luggage at O'Hare. Floor-length black leather coat. Scared the bejeezus out of me.

7. Saw Iggy Pop pushing a luggage cart at LaGuardia. He definitely needs a good sandwich.

8. I think I saw Joe DiMaggio at Dinky Donuts. Wait, that wasn't me, that was Seinfeld.


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