Jak-El now has to wear an eye patch over his left eye for an hour a day to help correct an astigmatism.
Anyone know any good pirate jokes? I think calling him Captain Feathersword is going to get old quick.
The world is a mess and I just need to...rule it.
Well, we all know that September 19th is "Talk Like a Pirate Day", but will he be needing the patch that long?
Captain Jack-el Sparrow?
Which Hemingway novel is always rated tops by pirates?
Why do pirate haircuts cost two dollars?
Why do pirates prefer peg legs to real ones?
What is "15 left-32 right-Piecesof8 left-19 right"?
-- Lamont C-arrr!-anston
Bostongraf: Yeah, at least until early Oct, but only for an hour a day.
IANO: Ha! I like it!
Lamont: Punchlines please. I'm sure the Hemingway joke will go over big at preschool.
I can't come up with anything better than Captain Jack-el Sparrow. That should make the patch easier to deal with!
1) What's a pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet?
2) A pirate, a hooker, and a clergyman walk into a bar. Oh, nevermind.
There's a Ferrari that parks in the lot at my workplace. It is driven by a man that wear a black eye patch.
That means he has two things I want.
Oh, wait...three if you count all the money.
Bostongraf wants an eye patch?
I'm so confused.
I blame the infrastructure. ::sips::
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