So...who do
you think would make a better President?
A. Fred Thompson
“United by our core beliefs”
B. Fred Flintstone
“Yabba Dabba Do!”
C. Fred the Baker
“Time to make the donuts.”
D. Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute
“I can assure you professional hygiene, discretion and animal gratification.”
No. But I'm suspecting you're a Bruce...
G'day, Sheila!
I'd vote for Fred Flintstone. I might even consider a move to the States for that, in fact...I mean, a cartoon President!
Oh, wait a kinda already have one.
Never mind.
Is that me in the second picture from the bottom??
Fred Garvin has the best campaign slogan out of the four, but Fred the Baker would do wonders for Universal Donut Coverage.
And it would continue the glorious tradition of a "Fred" in the White House, given the last six years of governorship by J. Fred Muggs.
-- Lamont "I ain't no Frederick" Cranston
I know this is Lois's blog but please no Bush basing.
Keep in mind he is one of the top 50 Presidents the US has ever had.
Oh, har har.
What's Bush basing? Is it anything like BASE jumping?
Unlike free-basing, Bush basing is very, very good for you! I feel better whenever I Bush base!
Now, down to brass tacks. FRED THE BAKER! FRED THE BAKER! Bring me that hot donut action, Mr. President!
Bush basing is just another way of being a Pryormaniac.
-- Lamont "When you're on fire and running down the street, people get out of your way" Cranston
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