Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sprinkles = Team Spirit

This, in case you're wondering, is the official donut of the New England Patriots. (It also comes in a more manly looking vanilla frosted version, but Jak-El likes strawberry, so we got the pink one.)

I really don't know a lot about football, but should athletes be eating a lot of pastry? Writers and editors, definitely. But athletes? I'm not so sure.

In a related story…

During our dinnertime conversation the other night, the general consensus of my family was that it is a good thing Dunkin Donuts serves boneless donuts.

Sure, some of you purists will say that there's nothing like the Krispy Kremes they serve in the deep south, with the sugary glaze and the bone left in.

Personally, I think the whole donut experience is enhanced by the fact that I don't have to pick bones out of my teeth as I eat them.


At 7:33 AM, Blogger Cake said...

I like my donuts without the bones...I don't like to be reminded of all the little donut creatures that died so I could have my pastry fix.

(That donut looks's giving my breakfast bar an inferiority complex.)

At 7:51 AM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...

The beauty of a boned donut is ya can pick 'em up in your hands and eat the donut meat right off of said bone.

At 8:55 AM, Blogger Cake said...

What part of the donut creature is the donut hole from?

Just curious.

At 11:35 AM, Blogger Sparkle Plenty said...

Sparkle: "Gimme that donut!"
Lois: "No! It's mine!"
Sparkle: "Gimme that donut!"
Lois: "Cannonball!"
Sparkle: "Ocelot!"
sound of struggling

At 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If that really were the official donut of the New England Patriots, wouldn't it have insider knowledge of the Krispy Kreme recipe?

-- Lamont "Black Raspberry Jelly Filled" Cranston

At 1:34 PM, Blogger Cake said...

Cake: "Bye-bye!"

::grabs donut and runs::

At 2:44 PM, Blogger Sparkle Plenty said...

Ah ha! I suspected you'd make that just grabbed the decoy donut, my friend...Watch out! It's electric!


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