Wednesday, October 10, 2007

So, Today is Wednesday...

Let's see, what can I post about?

Oh, today is Jayne's birthday! Wait. Sparkle already did that, and much more creatively than I have the brainspace for right now. (My mind is currently on a constant loop of "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" now for some odd reason...)

I went to the grocery store this morning and...nothing really interesting happened.

I think my scurvy might be coming back. Don't know why--I've been consuming the recommended daily intake of Pop Tarts and Diet Coke.

La de dah...

Yeah. I'm just Magooin' around, trying to come up with something to say. I should be doing work right now, since I'll be stuck in a conference call for part of the afternoon.

Unlike a lot of folks, I don't really mind face-to-face meetings, as long as they accomplish something (and someone brings coffee and pastry). But I hate conference calls. It's always hard to focus on what people are saying, especially when you're the only one phoning in and the other folks on the call are all in the same room, speaking so they can hear each other but not necessarily so I can hear them and follow along.

I read an article last week that said something like 8 billion U.S. citizens (I'm making up a number, because I'm too lazy to look up the right one, but it was lots) have admit they shop online during conference calls. I haven't done that, because I could get distracted and end up buying something I don't want, like a non-jaunty hat. But I do browse the Web during calls.

Of course, sometimes I do behave and try to keep my mind on the conversation. That's when I take copious notes that I will refer to constantly. And by constantly, I mean never.

Today, I think I'll work on making a birthday card for Dan-El. Or, perhaps knit a new jaunty hat. And by knit, I mean browse the Web.

On second thought, hold all my calls. Let's watch the Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre instead.

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At 8:12 AM, Blogger Sparkle Plenty said...

SO FUNNY!!! 1) Does the technology work well on your conference calls? I always experience a delay that makes trying to crack a joke excruciating ("Did I say something wrong?" "Are they gonna laugh?"). 2) Just to be sure: Do your b'day cakes involve hot weiners? 3) If you watch "Bittersweet Symphony" it will get the Wham stuff out of your head (trust me on this). Plus, you can plan the parody you would make of that video.

At 8:18 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Good Morning Miss Sparkle!

Re: #1 If I stay awake during today's call, I'll let you know.

Re: #2? Not usually. And by not usually, I mean not ever. They don't mix well with the clam batter.

Re: #3 I'm listening to the Ramones right now, and it seems to be helping.

At 8:37 AM, Blogger bacon ace said...

Hopefully this call doesn't disrupt your comic buying plans for the day *gasp*

At 8:49 AM, Blogger Sparkle Plenty said...

This is a PERFECT jaunty little hat day. Yep. Yes indeedy deedy do. Get out, do some comic buyin' and magooin' around in your hat.

At 9:15 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Bacon Ace: Please. *Nothing* gets in the way of buying new comics. It's kinda like church on Sunday, except there's no wine or collection plate.

Oh, wait. It's not exactly like Cousin Steve gives those things away, is it? I think the least he could do is have an open bar, don't you?

At 10:13 AM, Blogger Jayne said...

Happy birthday for last Sunday Lois. You kept that quiet.

Now I can't get Bittersweet Symphony out of my head.

Der der der der der derrr der der derrr der der derrrr etc.

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Cake said...

One of the old companies I worked for used to have teleconferences with our away branches. I learned that I could get out of them by having a cough that day. ::cough::

Nobody wants someone ::cough:: with a ::cough:: cough in a ::cough:: teleconference. Boss figured it out after a couple of times and just played along. (I have a long history of long suffering bosses.)

Video conferencing was harder to get out of and much, much worse because you had to look attentive. I'm not very good at looking attentive...::gets distracted by a pretty shiny thing and runs off::

At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh, yes, Sparkle's suggestion certainly has a lot of Verve, doesn't it...

All right, that's terrible. I'm very sorry. It's Inspiration-Free Wednesday here in New York City...

How can you read comics if you're Magooin'? You might pick up some Richie Rich books and think you're looking at old copies of "Tales From The Crypt".

Personally, I'd rather read a tedious article on linguistic modeling techniques when my merry myopia is bouncing along. Oh, wait -- that's how I got to be this blind in the first place...

I was once on a lunch/conference call. We had someone from a remote office dial in. Everything was fine until someone opened a large bag of kettle chips. Right near the speakers.

I think we reduced the person in our Chicago office to tears.

Mmm, kettle chips.

-- Lamont "When a man wants a comic book, he wants a comic book, and that's all there is too it" Cranston

(No, not a reference to anything: Just wanted to give a nod to Bacon Ace.)

At 11:12 AM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...

Folks...Magooin' around doesn't mean goofin means searching for something in the dark or maybe looking for something on the nightstand if you're near sighted.


Got that?

(Sparkle invented the term and even she has it wrong....sheesh!)

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...



Like you were doin' when you bought those carpenter pants?

At 11:59 AM, Blogger Cake said...

Oh, Lois...POW!

At 12:09 PM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...

If I had a hammer...hey, looky here in my carpenter pants....I have a hammer on a loop.

::crushes skulls::

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Cake said...


And what a girly swing that was, too.

At 1:43 PM, Blogger Sparkle Plenty said...

Dear No Oprah,

Wuh-RONG! Magooin' means fumbling along through all kinds of peril and remaining untouched. But, because I invented the term, I get to say that anyone here can use it anyway they like and we will add their meanings to my Sparkle Thesaurus(TM). Except for your meaning, you sour puss.

Now, come close so I can clasp you in a giant cyber hug.

Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows,

At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaugh!!! Now I have "Sunshine and Lolipops" running through my head!

Curse you, knowledge of trivial music! Curse you, Sparkly Wench!

-- Lamont "Earworm" Cranston

At 4:27 PM, Blogger Sparkle Plenty said...

Hmm, Lamont. You could try watching the Bittersweet Symphony video again? Naw. Go for the Foo Fighters "Monkeywrench"!


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