Wednesday, November 26, 2008

And Now a Message From Girls Navy Commodore Betty White:

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Disgusting Holiday Drinks the Husband and I Dreamed Up While Waiting for Lunch at Friendly's*

The Gobble Gobble
Mix two parts cranberry juice with one part pumpkin-infused vodka. Add turkey-broth ice cubes and garnish with mashed potato flakes. Enjoy!

Santa's Surprise
Mix two parts egg nog with one part candy cane liqueur. Add reindeer broth (beef broth can be substituted if you don't have fresh reindeer broth) ice cubes to chill. Garnish with a handful of green peas and a candy cane for festive holiday colour. Enjoy!

Anyone else have any ideas?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*After Friendly's, the husband went off to Sears to do some manly shopping and I walked down the mall with the kids towards the playspace. On the way, I stopped in Godiva to (a) buy a hostess gift to give to my cousin on Thanksgiving and (b) redeem a coupon I had for two free truffles.

The kids were being maniacs as usual and the very nice sales clerk tried to talk to them and calm them down a bit. When Jak-El told her we had just had lunch at Friendly's, I looked at her and said "They really should serve alcohol there. It would be much better." As I said this, I had Dan-El pinned to the ground between my ankles so I could sign the credit card receipt without worrying about him destroying a display of $500 worth of candy. "Oh, you poor thing," said the sales person, who then gave me an extra free truffle.

To sum up: free candy is good!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Finish This Sentence

I loves me some...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Colbert. Christmas. What Else Do You Need?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Because Raccoons Loves Them Some New Doctor Who...

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happy Raccoonsgiving, Charlie Brown!

It was so nice of the schools to give the kids the day off yesterday to celebrate Raccoon Week. What did the kids and I do with our time? Glad you asked!

1. We had a moment of silence to honor all the raccoons who died when The Master took over the earth and…wait. I'm confusing "Doctor Who" and reality again, aren't I?

2. We bought nifty new light-up sneakers, so we can jump up and down in the yard and provide reading light for the raccoons at night.

3. We had a moment of silence to honor all the raccoons who died when the Hellmouth opened up and demons spewed forth to….wait. I'm confusing "Buffy" and reality again, aren't I?

4. We ate lunch at McDonald's because they have awesome dumpsters to rummage through.

5. We had a moment of silence to honor all the raccoons who died when the Secret Society of Super Villains teleported over from Earth 2 and used a freeze ray to…wait. I'm confusing comic books and reality again, aren't I?

6. We made turkey shaped gingerbread cookies, so the vegetarian raccoons could celebrate Thanksgiving later this month.

7. Nothing for #7, because raccoons consider the #7 to be sacred and don't like it being disturbed. Shhhhhh.

8. Jak-El did a shadow puppet show of the Raccoon History of the Universe, highlighting the years 1956 to 1972, which historians recognize as a golden era.

9. We had a moment of silence to honor all the raccoons who died in the Great Garbage Can Siege of 1922. (This has gotta be right.)

10. I had wine with dinner and toasted the raccoons. And the fact we had pizza, so I didn't have to cook.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's Raccoon Week!

I got nuthin' now. Give me a few minutes to think and put up the Raccoon Week decorations and do my Raccoon Week shopping and I'll get back to you.




Monday, November 10, 2008

Webcam + Cold Medication = Fun!

"Are you my mummy?"

"Dude, don't bogart the albuterol!"

Tee hee. Drugs is fun! Let's share!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Reasons to be Happy Today

1. It's New Comics Day!

2. James Garner isn't dead!

3. Sarah Palin now has a lot more free time to practice fancy pageant walkin' and shootin' at stuff!

Happy Wednesday people! Let's dance!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Like You Need to be Told...

Monday, November 03, 2008

Sure, It's Easy to Mock. But What Were You Doing in the 1980s...?