Friday, September 08, 2006

Don't Ruffle Her Feathers!

Cops: Chicken Dies, Wife Shoots Husband
By Associated Press

Thu Sep 7, 6:11 PM

CHESHIRE, Ore. - A woman shot her husband in the back after he killed her pet chicken, the Lane County sheriff's deputies said. Deputies said they were sure that Mary Gray, 58, intended to shoot her husband, Stephen Gray, 43. They weren't certain if the husband meant to fire at the chicken.

"We don't know if it was an accident or if it was on purpose," Sgt. Clint Riley said. "It depends who you ask."

Riley said the couple had been drinking for much of Monday while they did yard work at their rented home in the town northwest of Eugene, and they began arguing after Stephen Gray shot the chicken with a .44-caliber handgun.

Deputies said he was then hit with a shot from a .22-caliber rifle, and is recovering. Mary Gray was arraigned Tuesday on an assault charge.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The "Other" Blog

Yes, what I said yesterday was true. I've been blogging behind your backs.

It's a dirty business. While I blog here for the art of it, elsewhere I've been blogging for commerce. I know, for shame Lois, for shame.

The business magazine I work for has had a blog for about a year now. It was started to coincide with our industry's largest annual conference, and has pretty much languished since then. A colleague and I have taken up the cause of bringing it to life again, to hopefully generate traffic prior to this year's show.

So….I've been posting there. While it is by nature business-y, it does feature some fun stuff (we even had our own "Snakes on a Plane" post, just cause we're so trendy). I won't post the link here, but if you want to know the URL, e-mail me or someone who knows me and I'll get y'all the info.

So that explains where I've been, and why I might disappear from this space for weeks at a time. (Okay, my drinking and blackouts might also explain that, but why get bogged down by details.)

I have to say, though, that the corporate blogging can be a little stifling. There have been lots of ideas for posts that "The Man" has put the kibosh on, like:

"The Impact of Butter Fighting on the American Economy"

"Our Friend, The Ocelot"

"Aquaman: Protector of the Seas or Threat to Corporate America"

"How Free Butter Can Improve Your Bottom Line"

"Our Friend, The Stingray"

"Marketing to MidAmerica, Hoagy Style"

So, contact me off-blog if you want to see what I write under my "real" name. Or, at least what I've told my employer is my "real" name….


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Where Have I Been?

Some of you may have been wondering why so much time elapsed between posts here.

Where was I? What was I doing?

Glad you asked! I was:

1. Working.

2. Sleeping.

3. Fighting crime as the Plaid Canary. Beware my sonic bagpipe scream!

4. Making pumpkin bread.

5. Auditioning for "Dancing With the Unknown Bloggers"

6. Helping Jak-El learn how to use the potty.

7. Helping Dan-El learn how to walk.

8. Helping my cat learn how to clog dance.

9. Scolding my other cat for laughing at how badly her sister clog dances.

10. Avoiding stingrays.

11. Learning how to knit.

12. Writing for another blog.

Yes, at least one of these things is a lie. I can't knit to save my life.

Number 12 is true, and we'll chat about that tomorrow....

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

So, Today is Blog About Katie Couric Day...

Um, ah...she's perky?

Beyond that, I got nuthin.

And why isn't anyone showing any love for Rosie O'Donnell, who starts today on "The View"? She's taking over Meredith Viera's spot, because Meredith Viera is taking over Katie Couric's job on "Today," because Katie Couric is taking over the CBS Evening News from Dan Rather, who, what the hell is Dan Rather doing now, anyway?

And remember, if you give Katie Couric a cookie, she's going to want a glass of milk. And $10 million dollars. And a pony.

Happy Katie Couric Day!