Thursday, May 11, 2006

Dead Fish and Debbie Gibson

I'm consuming lots of caffeine today, as I fell asleep during last week's episode of "The Office" after looking forward to it all day.

In honor of tonight's season finale, I'd like to start the "This Just In Co-Worker Hall of Fame." Here's a few of the interesting folks I've toiled with over the years. Feel free to add your own nominees.

Disclaimer: I currently work with none of these people. And at least one of them is dead.

1. The editor with the bad combover (is there such a thing as a *good* combover?) who wrote a memo addressed to me taking me to task for not using enough verbs (“Verbs are the building blocks of good sentence structure…”), put the memo in my personnel file but never actually showed it to me. I think he was ashamed of his own lack of good verb usage.

2. The Dwight-esque Debbie Gibson worshiping coworker who talked me into critiquing his science fiction short story, which was horrible. Thank goodness he wasn’t a deputy…

3. The septuagenarian prim and proper publisher who would sit in her office belching loudly after lunch.

4. The reporter who spent an afternoon acting out and singing selections from his self-written musical, “I’m Schizophrenic and So Am I.” (This was actually very cool. And what was even cooler was that my editor would only let him do it if he went and bought us ice cream first.)

5. The psycho teen who dumped a truckload of dead fish on the porch of the restaurant I used to work at after he’d been fired for (a) goofing off all the time and (b) taking advantage of the free food for employees policy. If only the spaz had come back and ate all the fish, that weekend would have been a lot less stinky.

Happy Thursday (again).


At 4:32 PM, Blogger Cake said...

Season finale? Wah. Okay, in honor of that, I'll play your game...

1. The co-worker who threw a major tantrum because he wasn't supplied with kleenex that had lotion in it.
2. The boss who chewed me out for not using enough commas. Hello? Strunk & White? Yes, send the crash cart, please.
3. The co-worker who never ever planned more than three days ahead in case "God took her before that."
4. The one who did ikibana at her desk even when it was busy.
5. The guy that took and used all my pencils and then denied it, even after I bought some with my name on them (as a joke).

I could go on...

At 12:18 PM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...

Years and years ago I worked at a hotel and they needed someone else in my department and they hired an actual retarded guy. Downs Syndrome. He did the EXACT same job as me and received the same pay.

I was quailfied to be retarded.

True story...and I LOVED that job.

Not sure if that fits into co-worker hall of fame...not even sure if I'm nominating the retarded guy or myself.

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Cake said...

I'll nominate you to be the retarded guy, if you like.

(Sorry, but it was just such a gimme...)


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