Thursday, June 01, 2006

And She Used All My Conditioner…

I was going to write a longer entry about this incident. But it’s not much a story to begin with, and truthfully, wouldn’t be any better with more details, and only waste more of everyone’s time (including mine).

I’m not sure why I need to share this, other than to vent about what my life has become.

So here it is. You’ve been warned.

My cat took a shower with me this morning. She didn’t just peer behind the shower curtain, like usual. Or jump in and out quickly like she sometimes does. Nope. Today, she followed me in and sat there for the entire shower, occasionally looking up as if to say, "hey, why are we getting wet?”

I officially have no privacy left.

See? I told you it wasn’t much of a story.

And folks, I can see the salacious comments about this coming from a mile away. So if you're going to make such as comment, for God's sake, at least be original.

Happy Thursday.


At 7:24 AM, Blogger Cake said...

I'll leave the salacious comments to the males in the room - I'll just be over here, wondering what on earth possessed you to hand them all such wonderful straight lines. ::grins::

At 7:42 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Y'know, sometimes I'm just kind of a "dare ya" kind of girl. :-)

At 11:09 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...


Okay...InJokeaPalooza 2006!

What if I said the cat was wearing capri pants while simutaneously licking an airplane tray table, throwing a fit at the captain's table of a cruise ship and dancing with a hedgehog? And of course, eating cake.

Huh? What then people, what then???

At 1:21 PM, Blogger Cake said...

First, I'm very disappointed in the men in the room. (Or proud of them - I'm not really sure.)

Second, can I have some of what you're drinking/smoking? It seems marvelous.

At 1:31 PM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...


I'm just now reading this wonderful story.










I won't. No siree, Bob. Not me. Too easy.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Cake said...

I knew we could count on someone to make the joke eventually, Lois. But I was gettin' tired of waiting!

At 2:20 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...


Good grief! Took ya' long enough.

I was beginning to think all the guys in the audience were a bunch of moist kitty cats....

At 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the last time, Lois, you're supposed to have a shower CAP!

-- Lamont Cranston

P.S. Did anyone else notice that one of the terms for "cat" is also a slang term for a part of the female anatomy? And on top of all that, the cat was in the shower, and sometimes when that particular part of the female anatomy is stimulated it secretes viscous fluids, and so having a cat in the shower would mean that the feline was moist and that would have a linguistic similarity to having a stimulated part of the female anatomy. I don't know if that was clear to anybody else, but it was sure clear to me, but maybe double entendres come more naturally to me. I don't know about that airline snack tray comment, though: Maybe that has something to do with how cats lick themselves. But there's nothing licentious about that.

Heh heh, I said "naturally."


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