Friday, May 19, 2006

Why I Should Go to Bed Earlier on Thursday Night

Coarse language. Parental discretion advised

(10:46 p.m., my living room)

Lois: God, I hate “ER.” Why am I watching this?

Husband: Because you had to watch “Will & Grace.”

Lois: It’s so ridiculous. Every week, someone tries to shoot up the place. Or blow it up. Or a helicopter crashes into it. Why would anyone ever go to this hospital?

Husband: Maybe they have good snacks.

Lois: But all the vending machines are always getting shot up.

Husband: Exactly. So you can take the snacks for free.

Lois: Huh.

* * *

(11 p.m.)

Husband: Well…that was the feel good show of the year, wasn’t it?

Lois: F**king “ER.” That’s what I stopped watching this show. F**kwads. I hate this show. Like I’m not going to have nightmares about this, stupid f**kers. F**king “ER.”

Husband: Well, at least Luka didn’t die….

Lois: No, he didn’t die. He just had to lie paralyzed on a f**king gurney and watch his girlfriend probably have a f**king miscarriage. And then there’s that nurse who got taken hostage with her son by her stupid escaped prisoner ex-husband. And the poor big sweet guy is bleeding from every orifith…

Husband: Orifith? Oh, you talk so thexy. (starts switching channels)

Lois: Orifice. F**king “ER.” Oh, Paul McCartney. There’s another f**king idiot.

Husband: What did he do?

Lois: Oh, he’s divorcing his one legged wife and blaming the media for their problems. Shouldn’t that idiot be used to the media after 40+ years?

Husband: One leg? She must be really young.

Lois: Younger than him, about half his age I think….hey, cake or death?

Husband: I’m kind of full…

Lois: Is that your answer?

Husband: I’m just not hungry. And I’m tired.

Lois: Maybe a mild coma then?

Husband: Why don’t you go to bed?

Lois: F**king “ER.” Why do they always have to kill children? I’m surprised that kid in the strawberry costume survived the hour. Oh, wait. I know. They’re saving that for next season, when we find out he’s fatally allergic to berries.

Husband: Go to bed please.

And *that* is why I should go to bed earlier on Thursday nights.

Happy Friday.


At 10:43 AM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...

The lawyers have already said that Paul McCartney won't have to give Heather a dime...they say she won't have a leg to stand on in court.

Another reason to go to f*cking bed early.

(I love when you fake swear)

At 12:40 PM, Blogger Cake said...

What's "ER"? Some TV show?

At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh really? I'd heard that the courts were leaning Heather's way...

-- Lamont Cranston

At 12:42 PM, Blogger Cake said...


I just don't watch it. And by your description, I think I can see why.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...

Though I guess McCartney could lose an arm a leg if he isn't careful.

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Cake said...

She better hop he doesn't have good lawyers.

Get it? Hop, get it? Huh?? Ok, sorry, that was lame.

But Captain NoOprah's was pretty lame, too!

At 4:57 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Well, this discussion is just limping along, isn't it?

At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're all a bunch of tards with too much free time, aren't you?

At 5:07 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

We're not tards. We're *special.*

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Cake said...

Yes, very very very special...


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