Monday, May 22, 2006

In the Right Light, If You Squint, Kathy Ireland. Or, Maybe Kathy Griffin. Or Lois Griffin. But Not Merv Griffin. Never Merv Griffin. I Hope.

Who do I look like? Daria from that old MTV cartoon? An old Mandy Moore? A young Phyllis Diller? My dad? I have no idea.

Who do you look like? Over the years, I’ve been told I resemble:

Martha Quinn: When the husband and I were first dating, he commented often that I looked like this original MTV video jockey (yes kids, back in the day MTV ran music videos. Who knew?) I’m just thankful he didn’t think I looked like Mark Goodman.

Pat Benetar: This way off base gem comes from a very cute but very dumb jock I went to high school with (think Joey Tribbiani on steroids). I was dressed as Chrissie Hynde for some homecoming dress-up day thing, and he thought I looked like Pat Benetar. This apparently made him have a crush on me, and he called me every night for about three weeks. I eventually stopped taking the calls, since (a) I wasn’t interested, (b) he wanted to start something with me but didn’t want to break up with his girlfriend and (c) I found out that his girlfriend wanted to beat up whoever he was calling. (She didn’t know it was me and could seriously have kicked my ass, possibly even worse than Aquaman.)

Debbie Gibson: In the early 1990s. a very drunk guy in a dance club stumbled up to me and seriously asked if I was Ms. Gibson. I said yes, and it was nice meeting him but I had to get back to my friends Madonna and Tiffany. He stumbled away, stunned at this primo celebrity encounter.

Pam Dawber: In college, when we were casting who would play everyone in a movie about the school newspaper (because Hollywood was just beating down our door, don’t cha’ know), some of my friends thought a young Mindy would be perfect for me.

How about you?

Happy Monday.


At 8:05 PM, Blogger Cake said...

I've never been told I resemble anyone but me...I'll ask around work on Tuesday and see if I get any interesting answers.

Stay tuned.

(If it's "Merv Griffin"...don't expect another comment from me, ever.)

At 8:49 AM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...

A weird mutation of Ric Ocasek, Richard Belzer, and Charlie Sheen.

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Hmmmm. I wonder if it's safe to assume that Cake looks like Merv Griffin?

Cake! Come back to us! Merv is considered a very handsome man in some circles. At least you don't look like Mike Douglas...

(I'm now giggling at the thought of any young nippers under the age of 30 wondering who the f**k Merv Griffin and Mike Douglas are.)

At 9:22 PM, Blogger Cake said...


I spent the day trying to get consensus - it seems I look like a Buffy character, a 1950s star, or one of the leads off a current sitcom.

It's all very confusing.

But, since not one person said "Merv Griffin," it's safe for me to come back into the blogging fold.


At 6:57 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Okay, but *which* Buffy character, which 50s star and which sitcom lead?

At 7:56 AM, Blogger Cake said...

Apparently, I look like some combination of Alyson Hannigan (an older version, but the way she looked in the earlier Buffy episodes) and Pam from The Office.

I dunno, maybe if you squint...

And one person mentioned Betty Grable, which I don't see at all.


At 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've gotten "The lovechild of a young Dan Aykroyd and Juliette Lewis." I still don't know if this is a compliment or not.

When I was 12, a cartoonist named Sam Norkin drew a picture of me that made me look like Al Franken. I wish to hell I still had it. This was when Al Franken was still in the Saturday Night Live Weekend Update "Al Franken Decade" period.

-- Lamont Cranston


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