Thursday, July 13, 2006

At Least There Was Cake…

The husband and I recently celebrated our anniversary. There was Carvel ice cream cake and Burger King food involved. I know, the romance never ends.

Anyway, this seems like a good time to dispel the myth that brides get to control everything about their wedding. At least in my case, this was baloney. I had tons of good ideas that were vetoed by various people involved with the event, such as:

1. Skipping the whole shebang and eloping to Las Vegas. Instead of spending $20,000, we could have made $20,000. Okay, not likely, since gambling bores me. The husband still won't admit I was right on this.

2. Getting married by an Elvis impersonator. This could have been accomplished without the trip to Sin City, as our minister actually offered (and since he's a part-time actor, probably would have actually done it too). Mom didn't care for this idea.

3. Water guns as favors. The husband thought this might cause chaos. I think it would have been refreshing.

4. Having the "King of the Hill" theme as our first dance song. Instead of dancing, the entire wedding party would have just stood in the middle of the dance floor drinking beer. The husband actually liked this idea, since he's not fond of public dancing. But the DJ didn't have a copy of the song and we couldn't find it anywhere.

5. Getting married outside. Okay, God vetoed this, so who am I to argue? It rained for three hours straight the afternoon before our 6:30 p.m. wedding, so the ceremony was moved inside, which actually turned out quite nice. And, it stopped during the ceremony, so people could mingle outside during cocktails.

6. Having peach and pink as "my colors." I never had any specific ideas about what I wanted at my wedding, but soon after we picked the date I had a dream that peach and pink were my colors. So, hey, why not? However, the bridesmaids picked out lavender dresses, so everything shifted to include more lavender than the other colors. (And can I note here that I was a super nice bride since I let them pick out what they wanted to wear, instead of dictating it for them? I retained veto power, of course, since I'm not an idiot.)

7. Having a bagpiper play during the ceremony.

But y'know, this marriage thing seems to be working out okay anyway. And I can always put in my will that most of these things happen at my funeral instead. I'm sure the bagpiper will be able to do a bitchin' "Stairway to Heaven."


At 9:46 AM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...

HEY...we both had Las Vegas blogs today! What are the odds of that?

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

It's like one of those "very special crossovers" where Monica and Rachel wind up in the "ER"! Or Hoagy steals the TARDIS!

At 10:42 AM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...

I just sold a Tardis cookie jar...what are the odds of that???

At 10:48 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

I'm eating cookies right now..what are the odds of that?

Actually, not very good. I'm lying.

But wouldn't it have been cool???

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Cake said...

I just ate a cookie in the shape of the TARDIS! Ohh, now I'm gettin' creeped out.

At 12:20 PM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...

I just ate a tube of Pringles Cheezums.

What are the odds of anything tasting better?

At 12:29 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Bet they're not as good as pancakes!

Or better yet, pancakes in the shape of the TARDIS!

At 12:53 PM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...

I want pancakes in the shape of Pringles Cheezums.

At 1:02 PM, Blogger Cake said...

Pancakes in the shape of the TARDIS?! That's just madness.

Now, waffles, maybe...

At 1:49 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Okay, I've got it.

Wait for it.....


We'll start a franchise. We'll be rich!

At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just found an Aquaman-shaped Pringle Cheezum in my TARDIS-shaped waffle iron. I'm going to sell it to an online casino for a million dollars.

Either that, or I'll charge a million yokels a dollar each to touch it before they play the slots... in Las Vegas!

How's that for circular?

-- Lamont Cranston


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