Monday, July 10, 2006

A Happy Meal Indeed

This weekend, the husband and I take off for our first overnight together away from the kids in almost two years.

The night will involve eating in a restaurant that does not serve (a) French fries or (b) a toy with your meal. There will also be musical entertainment.

So here's my question to those of you who have more robust social lives than I: has anything changed with either of these social situations in the past couple of years? At "fancy" restaurants, do people still use forks? Is throwing food still frowned upon? Do real live people still play in bands, or have they all been replaced by robots?

Any help you could provide would be appreciated.


At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Wait staff have gotten, if anything, surlier with the alleged healthy economy. Like most of us, they feel left behind. Unlike most of us, they can take out their frustrations by putting their thumbs in your bisque.

2. In the Asian restaurants, they use either ivory or steel chopsticks, and the quality of the restaurant is in direct proportion to the elegance of the mints found at the cashier's table. Do not go to any Asian restaurant that boasts more than one type of Asian food. All of the offerings will be awful.

3. Depends on who you hit. Try to avoid pelting your employer in the crotch with a roll. See 2, above -- going to an Asian restaurant, where bread is not part of the standard table accoutrements, is one way of avoiding this. Although a well-flung rice bowl can hurt just as much.

4. Depends on whether you feel the folks who make up Pink Floyd are real or animatronic.

5. Who killed Bambi?

-- Lamont Cranston

At 8:55 PM, Blogger Cake said...

Bambi died?!


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