Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat!

This is what I did last night, instead of going to bed at a reasonable hour. A spider-kin, per Jak-El's request.

Bob the Builder, Cowgirl Lois and the Power Ranger pose before heading off to the preschool Halloween parade. The boys' school is on the campus of a nearby hospital, so the kids get to go trick or treating to the offices in the hospital, where some of their parents work. It's fun for them, but I suspect weird for patients being wheeled through the halls while this is going on. I'd really worry what meds my doc had given me if in my stupor I suddenly saw a slew of Spider-Men, princesses and monkeys coming towards me. Or, I'd ask them to double my prescription, because they must be really good.

Lois: Can we please do one photo without the mask on? I'll let you eat candy for dinner if you do.

Dan-El: I don't have a mask on. Where's the candy, lady?

Go, Go Power Rangers!

Dan-El: I don't care if you are a ninja. I'm gonna kick your butt, and then I'm going to kick Spider-Man's butt. And when I'm done with that, I'm even gonna kick Batman's butt.
Jak-El: Stupid mask.

Can he eat the cookie? Yes he can!

Something for all the Sox fans. I didn't carve this--it's the winner of the hospital pumpkin carving contest. You can't see it in the pic, but there's a broom sticking out of the left side of the pumpkin. Happy Halloween!


At 10:13 AM, Blogger Sparkle Plenty said...

WOW!!!!! I'm in awe!
1) CUTEST kids EVER!
2) Damn, you carved that spider-kin? I bow down!
3) Oofah! You and Cakie are rockin' the casbah in your costume finery!
4) Me go eat candy now!

At 10:26 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Howdy, Miss Sparkle!

Thank you kindly. My younguns are indeed mighty fine. And pumpkin carvin' is easy when you've got your trusty jack knife...and a book of patterns that came with the pumpkin carving set you bought at Target (the preferred store of cowgirls everywhere).

At 10:35 AM, Blogger Sparkle Plenty said...

Only a true cowgirl could "Aw, shucks" with such modesty. I'm tellin' ya--all I'd get if I combined a trusty jack knife with a book of patterns and a pumpkin carving set I bought at Target would be a high-speed trip to the emergency room. Well done.

At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


That winning pumpkin was sheer pandering to the lowest element of society.

Your unentered spider-pumpkin would have kicked its ass.

Speaking of all that ass kicking, has anyone heard from Aquaman recently?

-- Lamont "Jack O'" Cranston

At 10:07 PM, Blogger Cake said...

Weird...I checked in here earlier and didn't see any new post. Same thing happened with Bacon Ace's blog...maybe I'm just going crazy?

Anyways...wonderful pictures. Your pumpkin is awesome! I cheated and did a scowly-simple-to-carve took longer to scrape it out than it did to actually do the face.

Your kids are adorable, by the way...great costumes all around. (Cowgirl up!)

(Did I mention I love Halloween? I won't sleep tonight...all that damn sugar...::races around the living room::)


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