Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tinseltown Goes Coon Crazy

(Hollywood) In a surprising move this morning, the heads of all the major movie studios and television networks announced that starting immediately, all of their productions would be written by—and star—raccoons.

“Yeah, it does sound weird,” admitted one exec, who asked to remain anonymous. “But when we showed a focus group an episode of “Boston Legal” starring Denny Coon, the numbers went through the roof.”

“Besides,” he added, “most people don’t know this, but twice a month the cast of ‘ER’ insists on being paid in fish. And Jimmy Kimmel is always tipping over the garbage cans outside the ABC commissary. So it’s really not all that much of a departure for us.”

The bold move has already spurred the BBC to ready a raccoon-themed spin-off of their classic sci-fi series “Doctor Who.”

“We’re just jolly keen on this idea,” said Sir Nigel Fluffernutter, head of mammal programming development at the Beeb. “Raccoons are an excellent fit into the Time Lord mythology. The little nippers will just think the Daleks are angry garbage bins and attack the tossers mightily, pip pob and away with your bumbershoot.”

Back in the states, several television series have been rushed into production, including:

“How I Met Your Raccoon”

“Bionic Raccoon”

“My Name is Coon”

“Desperate Raccoons”

“RSI: Raccoon Scene Investigation”

“Two and a Half Raccoons”

“Curb Your Coons”

“Scott Baio is 45….And a Raccoon”

“Raccoon the Buffy Slayer”

“Dirty Sexy Raccoons”

“Dancing With the Raccoons”

“Raccoon’s Anatomy”

“Late Night With Coonan O’Brien”

Still despite the strong reaction to “Denny Coon,” some are skeptical that the public will take to all raccoons, all the time on their television and movie screens.

“I don’t like it. Nope. Not one bit,” said Secret Squirrel, age 42, who identified himself as an out of work performance artist. “Damn dirty raccoons, taking all our work. Bastards.”

Today’s blog was made possible by the proud sponsor of Raccoon Week, Stuck With a Comb
. Remember, you’re not really stuck until you’re stuck with a comb.


At 7:57 AM, Blogger Cake said...

Oh just made my entire day. Way funny!

There's also:

- The Amazing Raccoon Race
- Survivor Raccoon
- Battlestar Galacticoon

(I also love the idea of The Office re-cast with raccoons but it just doesn't work...unless it's just The Den? Nah...)

At 8:32 AM, Blogger I Ain't No Oprah said...

I liked the old racoon shows from my childhood better.

1. Coonanza

2. My Mother The Coon

3. All In The Garbage Can

4. The Six Million Dollar Racoon

5. The Grub Boat

6. The R-Team

7. Discarded Jar Trek

8. BJ and the Bandit

9. CBS News With Walter Coonkite

10. Falcoon Crest

( I lied....I like yours better)

At 8:39 AM, Blogger Cake said...

I was going to list some Canadian themed shows but then I realized I'd be the only one laughing.

(The Little Raccoon Hobo...Corner Raccoon...This Hour has 22 Raccoons...::snicker::)


At 8:58 AM, Blogger Sparkle Plenty said...


At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooofah! She shoots... she scores!

Knockout punch to the Lois-ster! Hell, I'd watch a lineup like that...

Did I mention the television I was given five months ago hasn't been plugged in yet?

-- Lamont "Procyon Cranston" Cranston

At 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written article.


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