Friday, August 22, 2008

It's Friday, So You Know What That Means...

It's time for Chewie, Joey and Squeeze!

1. Here's Chewie!

2. Here's Joey!

3. And here's Squeeze!

I'm off next week to get my drink on spend time with the family. See ya' in September!

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Phoning It In, Because I Can. Again.

 is my most favorite thing in the world.

Well, for today. Tomorrow, my most favorite thing may be bruschetta. Or square dancing. Or Switch Flops.

But for today, this is it.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Decision I've Made This Afternoon Based on Things I've Read Online and in Copy I've Had to Edit:

I'm going to start a band called the Techno Savvy Hispanics.

Our first album will be called "Magooing Around Beijing."

Our second album will be called "Amorous Disabled Turtle on the Move."

Halfway through our third world tour, I will quit the band and enter rehab.

Excuse me while I go start drinking to keep on schedule.

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Monday, August 18, 2008


Lois can't come to the blog right now. Please leave a message at the sound of the imaginary gunfight. Cheers!

Friday, August 15, 2008

It's Friday, So You Know What That Means...

It's time for Hurley, Burley and something girly!

1. Here's Hurley!

2. Here's Burley!

3. And here's something girly!

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


1. We just got a letter from our new customer service manager at our bank. His name? Adam P. West! Holy Investments!

2. reports that Adam West (no, not the guy from our bank, the other one) may be on the next season of "Dancing With the Stars." Please, please, please let this be true.

3. Nothing wakes you up quicker than being vomited on. No, this has nothing to do with Batman, but I bet he doesn't like being barfed on either. Maybe he's got Bat Barf Repellant or something.

Happy Bat-Thursday!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Public Service Announcement

This is for everyone who lives in Massachusetts. And if you live elsewhere in the U.S. and have a car, you might want to check into it also, just in case.

(Yes, Lamont, we know you don't have a motorcar. Like Robinson Crusoe, you're as primitive as can be.)


Y'know those little plastic frames around license plates—the type car dealers put on your vehicle when you buy it to advertise their business. The ones most of us don't bother to take off after we drive off the lot out of sheer inertia?

Well, starting next month, they're illegal. Beginning in October, if you have one on your vehicle, it will automatically fail inspection. Your mechanic/inspector will not be allowed to ask you to take it off before inspection, you just automatically fail. (My mechanic is the one who told me about it this morning, and he thinks it stinks that he'll be put in the position of being a bad guy. And you just know people will go berserk when their cars fail over this.)

Beginning in October, you can also be stopped by police and fined $25 for having one of these on your license plate.

So go check your cars folks.

This has been today's public service announcement.

And now, a cat doing the Hamster Dance.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"It's in the National Interest?"

Oh, for the love of crap.

A seven year old girl wasn't cute enough?

What? What?? WHAT??

In the words of the great IANO

Screw You, Tokyo!

So, What Are You?

Monday, August 11, 2008


1. Friday night, we ate takeout food for dinner while watching the "Good Night Show" on PBS Sprout. Because we live that kind of exciting life.

While grazing, I heard the host Nina say that she was so happy to be with her friends Star, Lucy and Hush. Now, I've seen this show a million times and knew Hush was goldfish. But the first thing that flashed into my mind was the Batman villain Hush.

Hush, for those of you who don't know, is a psychopath who was a childhood friend of Bruce Wayne's. He hates Bruce because he thinks Bruce's life was perfect. (Yes, Hush wanted his parents to die. He though Bruce's parents getting shot in an alley was stroke of luck. Like a said, he's a psycho.)

Anyway, I started to think about how interesting it would be if Hush co-hosted the "Good Night Show."

Nina: Hello Hush! We're so glad you're here tonight. Would you like to do a craft with us?

Hush: You are a whore and need to die.

Nina: Oh Hush, why so sad? Do you need a hug?

Hush: I need for you to die. And I need to rip that Star puppet to a million little pieces and sprinkle it on your grave.

Nina: Right. We'll talk some more later, Hush. Now, let's see what our good friend Thomas the Tank Engine is up to

Hush: He's on a track to hell.

2. Did anyone else notice that Nestor Carbonell, who played Batmanuel on "The Tick," played the mayor in "The Dark Knight?" I just thought that was cool

3. This preview of the new Batman cartoon "The Brave and the Bold" makes me deliriously happy. If this doesn't serve as the gateway drug to get tons of little kids interested in superheroes and comic books, I have no idea what will.

Friday, August 08, 2008

It's Friday, So You Know What That Means...

It's time for a quiz, some obscure 80s Scottish girl pop that was big in Japan and Oreos for Jayne's Mum!

1. Here's your quiz!

2. Here's your pop!

3. Here's some Oreos for for Jayne's Mum!

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Priority List for Girls Navy

1. Kidnap David Tennant and make him our shampoo boy. Also kidnap John Barrowman, Eddie Izzard and Randolph Mantooth just for the hell of it.

2. Drink wine.

3. Tame Godzilla.

4. Go to every clam shack on the east coast and demand complimentary fried seafood.

5. Have Trout Week declared national holiday.

6. Drink whiskey.

7. Nothing for #7.

8. Appoint committee to find something for #7.

9. Drink gin.

10. Obtain death ray. Rule world. Buy jaunty hats at Boots. If Boots does not sell jaunty hats, go back to original plan for #10 until they do.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Trout Chat

Lois: This week is Trout Week!

Husband: Yeah? Who decided that?

Lois: I'm not sure. Either Cake or Clinky. Clinky is in China.

Husband: Oh, well. Now it makes sense.

* * * * *

To sum up:

In China, with trout you get eggroll.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Hitler Rants About Trout and Torchwood's Series 2 Finale

Well, maybe just Torchwood. Why would anyone rant about trout?

Trout Week Begins!!!!!