The Graduate
Blogger is being uncooperative about letting me upload pics this morning, but managed to get these online before it got cranky.
The world is a mess and I just need to...rule it.
Blogger is being uncooperative about letting me upload pics this morning, but managed to get these online before it got cranky.
...but I'm not. Been a crazy week between work, a sick kid (Dan-El has strep, *again*) and getting ready for Jak-El's preschool graduation today.
::Lois walks in front door and is surprised to see everything neat and tidy. She hears yelling and turns around to see elderly neighbor shouting at a policeman::
Or something. Be back in a week or so...
...your two-year-old--who had been excitedly demanding to watch "Doctor Who" for an hour--asks you to wait to change the channel, so he can finish watching a "Monty Python" sketch.
::phone rings and Lois has a conversation with a heavily accented public relations person who seems to speak English as a fourth language::
(Here’s a post written on Friday night, that I never got around to posting this weekend, with Monday morning Director’s Commentary.)